Tag Archives: Allen’s hummingbird
Twins Ana and Pavan
Phoebe Allen’s chicks rescued on January 9th, 2014 Pictures taken on January 10th Hatched on December 29th, 2013 Allen’s Hummingbird
Additional YouTube Postings
“Four Hummingbird Eggs in Nest” and “Allen’s Hummingbird and Her Nestlings” Click on the links below. The second one is designed for relaxation. Sit back and relax. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1maQauRGrc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p-DJsNVSyA This is a video showing the introduction of an orphan … Continue reading
Hummingbirds in the Garden
Pictures are of hummingbird fledlings, mother hummingbird sitting on her nest, hummingbirds at feeders and flowers, and a sample of a beautiful hummingbird nest. If you click twice on the picture of the hummingbird flying you … Continue reading
Hummingbirds, Jewels of Nature
Hummingbirds, “Jewels of Nature” ©Monique F. Rea 2010 These jewels of nature wear shimmering green coats. Allen’s hummingbirds are accented with warm golden sienna brown. The adult male wears an iridescent copper collar under his beak and a copper crown. An … Continue reading
“Jewel of Nature”
“Jewel of Nature” “Phoebe, an Allen’s Hummingbird’s Story” © Monique F. Rea 2010 We were fortunate to watch Phoebe, an amazing architect and hummingbird mother. The unfolding drama came from a live cam’s point of view. We … Continue reading