YouTube and Facebook Address
For viewing many of my videos of past and current hummingbirds rescued or in the yard please visit my YouTube addresses: 1. Colibri Bijou 2. Chuparosamfrart You are invited to view the posts on my Facebook page, Colibri Bijou as well.
“Graduation Day”
Lola’s and Crystal’s Graduation Day May 10th and their classmates. Graduation Pomp and Circumstance
Lola and Crystal orphans
The video of the two orphans from Phoebe’s site, on April 17th
Tangelo Allen’s Hummingbird
Here’s video of the Allen’s hummingbird mama whose nest is in our Tangelo tree feeding her one chick who is tucked down deep inside only a few days old. Here’s a video of Storm baby and two other orphans. … Continue reading
Rain Storm Nestling
March 29th Rain Storm Allen’s fledgling now with two new Allen’s orphans March 10th, Tuesday, this little Allen’s rescue survived the rain storm of two weekends ago but lost its mama. Received same day released the twin hummers. … Continue reading